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Strategic Plan

In January 2019, the TPA Board of Directors approved the formation of an Ad-Hoc Committee to survey TPA members, non-members, and other focus groups (e.g., University psychologists, VA psychologists) about their experiences and perceptions of the TPA organization. This led to the development of a Strategic Planning Committee which systematically analyzed the results of the survey and developed a Strategic Plan to ensure that TPA addresses the identified needs for change and improvement. This Strategic Plan was approved by TPA's Board of Directors.

Since that time, the Strategic Planning Committee has met on a regular basis to develop and implement the Strategic Plan, including determining priorities and next-action steps for its execution.

The Strategic Planning Committee then transitioned to become TPA's Strategic Planning Council. This Strategic Planning Council meets on a monthly basis to work with TPA leaders to implement the Strategic Plan to ultimately better meet the needs of Tennessee Psychologists and TPA Members.

For TPA Members Only:

Click HERE to access the Strategic Plan